Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Heritage Tour to the Kingdom of Majapahit

Majapahit was a vast archipelagic empire based on the island of Java from 1293 to around 1500. Majapahit reached its peak of glory during the era of Hayam Wuruk, whose reign from 1350 to 1389 marked by conquest which extended through Southeast Asia.
His achievement is also credited to his prime minister, Gajah Mada. According to the Nagarakretagama written in 1365, Majapahit was an empire of 98 tributaries, stretching from Sumatra to New Guinea; consist of present day Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, southern Thailand, the Philippines, and East Timor. Although the true nature of Majapahit sphere of influence is still the subject of studies among historians. (Wikipedia)
Majapahit Museum
Meditation Place of Raden Wijaya (Majapahit first King)
"Bajang Ratu" Temple
Optimize Windows 7 without Software

1. Registry Tweaking
On the Desktop Click [Start] > [Run] > [Regedit] > [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] > [Control Panel] > [Desktop], Search String Value [MenuShowDelay], do double click on the String value to change its value (I used to fill the number 99). Then restart your computer or laptop.
2. Turn off Visual Effects are less important
Right click on [Computer] > [Properties] > [Advanced System Settings]. In the [Performance Section] click [Settings]. Select [Custom], remove all check marks except on the options enabled aero peek, enabled desktop composition, Show thumbnails instead of icons, Slide open combo boxes, Smooth edges of screen fonts and Smooth-scroll list boxes. Click Apply and OK.
3. Turn off all the Automatic Update feature (both the automatic update feature of Windows and application software that is attached).
Right click on [Computer] > [Properties] > [Windows Update] > [Change Settings]. [Important updates] on the select never check for updates (not recommended). Then click OK. Also, turn off all the features updates on all the software installed (in different ways, looking at the settings menu of each software).
4. Run a Defragmentation on the Hard Drive
Select [Start] > [All Programs] > [Accessories] > [System Tools] > [disk defragmenter]. Choose one of the drives and then click [Defragment].
5. Turn off unnecessary applications run at startup.
Select [Start] > type "msconfig" press [Enter] > Click on the [Startup] > uncheck unnecessary applications run at startup. Click OK.
6. Disable unneeded services
Select [Start] > type "Services" (without ") > press [Enter]. Right click on a service that would be disabled and then click [Properties]. Click the [Disabled] if we want the service do not always run at the windows turned on, or click [Stop] to turn it off. Click [OK].
7. Do not install the Gadget on the desktop.
Select [Start] > [Control Panel] > [Programs] > [Turn Windows Features on or off] > uncheck "Windows Gadget Platform" > Click [OK].
*** A few trick from me, hopefully be useful ***
YOGYAKARTA / JOGJA - Traveler's Paradise in Java, Indonesia

YOGYAKARTA (often also called Jogja, Yogya or Jogja) is located in middle of Java Island - Indonesia, where everything is cheap. It's enough with $ 20 per-day, you are able to stay over, eat famous authentic delicious food, and rent a motorbike to explore the pure beaches and thousand of years old ancient temples.
A thousand years ago, Yogyakarta was the center of ancient Mataram Kingdom which was prosperous and high civilized. This kingdom built Borobudur Temple which was the biggest Buddhist temple in the world, 300 years before Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Some other relics are Prambanan Temple, Ratu Boko Palace, and dozens of other temples scattered throughout Yogyakarta. (See Archaeological Sights)
However, by some mysterious reason, Ancient Mataram Kingdom moved its central government to East Java in the 10th century. The magnificent temples were abandoned and partially buried by the eruption material of Merapi Volcano. Slowly, Yogyakarta region went back into the dense forest.
Six hundred years later, Panembahan Senopati established the Islamic Mataram Kingdom in the region. Once again, Yogyakarta became the witness of human history of a great Kingdom that ruled Java Island and its surrounding area. Islamic Mataram Kingdom was leaving a trail of ruins of fortress and royal tombs in Kotagede which recently is known as silver handicraft center in Yogyakarta. (See Historic & Heritage Sights)
Giyanti agreement in 1755 divided the Islamic Mataram Kingdom into Kasunanan Surakarta be based in the city of Solo and Yogyakarta Sultanate which founded in Yogyakarta. Kraton (palace) still exists until today and is functioned as the residence of sultan and his family as well as hundreds of abdi dalem (the servant of the palace) who faithfully serve the palace voluntarily and run the tradition in the midst of changing times. At the palace, there are many cultural performances such as wayang kulit (puppet shadow play), gamelan (Javanese orchestra), and Javanese dance etc. (See Calendar of Events)
Yogyakarta at present is a place where tradition and modern dynamics are going on together continuously. In this city, there is a palace which has hundreds of loyal servants to run the tradition, but there is also University of Gadjah Mada that is one of the leading universities in South East Asia. Some of its residents live in a strong agrarian culture. In the other side, there are also students who live with pop life-style. Traditional markets and handicraft centers are numerous in the city where some of them located by the malls which are no less hectic.

In the southern part of Yogyakarta, you will find many beaches. The most famous beach is Parangtritis with its legendary figure of Nyi Roro Kidul (Queen of the South), but Yogyakarta has also many natural beautiful beaches in Gunung Kidul. You can see the Sadeng Beach which is an ancient estuary of Bengawan Solo River before the powerful forces lifted the surface of the southern part of Java Island so that the flow of the river turned to the north like today. You can also visit Siung Beach which has 250 channels of rock climbing, Sundak Beach and many more. (See Beaches)
If Malaysia has the world's highest twin towers, Yogyakarta has Prambanan Temple with 47 meters tall and was made by hand about 1100 the previous years. If Singapore has modern life, Yogyakarta has traditional agrarian society. If Thailand and Bali have beautiful beaches, Yogyakarta owns natural beaches and Mount Merapi, which has a story of how powerful the force of nature is.
A unique combination of ancient temples, history, traditions, culture and natural forces make Yogyakarta a very worthwhile place to visit. YogYES.COM site will help you to plan a visit to Yogyakarta and enjoy the best charm of this place. We provide rich information about things to see and do, hotels, dining, car rentals and all the information you need to travel to Yogyakarta / Jogja. (www.yogyes.com)