Monday, August 22, 2011

Indonesian Anti Virus

We often made ​​angry by a virus that attacks the documents on our computer, but you should not worry too  much ... There are two Anti virus made ​​in Indonesia are reliable enough to save our important data. I've tried it, please prove. Good luck
Smadav 2011 Rev. 8.5

- Smadav-Updater, feature updates the database every week (online/offline)
- Virus detection Ramnit.shortcut, etc
- New features: "Forgot Password" to Smadav Pro, a new feature: "latest News Smadav", etc.

You can download directly from the official websites

ARTAV Rev 1.2 (database Update June 2011)

Virus Database : W32/Autoit.Engine, W32/CACHE, W32/Harry Potter, W32/Recycler.exe,  trojan/SpyWare.I, Trojan/SpyWare.II, W32/Autorun.Autoit, W32/Autorun.Autoit.Engine, and many More

You can download directly from the official websites

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